Faculty positions in IIM Kozhikode
Indian Institute of Management (IIM)
Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK) invites applications for the positions of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in the following areas :
- Economics
- Finance, Accounting & Control
- Information Technology & Systems
- Marketing
- Organisation Behaviour and Human Resource Management
- Quantitative Methods and Operations Management
- Strategic Management
Candidates must have a Ph.D degree or its equivalent with consistently good academic record and commensurate publications/ publication potential.
Applications are also invited for full-time visiting positions in the above areas. Persons interested in full-time visiting positions may apply indicating their areas of interest and expertise.
How to Apply : The application on the prescribed format should be sent within 21 days to:
The Director, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode,
IIMK Campus P. O., Kozhikode 673 570, Kerala, India
Please visit http://www.iimk.ac.in/faculty/facultyrecruitment.php?links=job for details and application format.