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The Importance Of Web Directory Submission

Some webmasters take less efforts making back links without knowing that back links or may I say directory submissions is important for their page ranking. Most search engine rates websites or blogs by their contents and back links besides keywords that are used on the site. Unless you are targeting traffic from paid advertisements or other advertising campaigns, submitting your site or blog to directories is very important for SEO.

The most important thing about submitting to directories is for SEO purposes. Adding your url to directories means that you are making back links to your blog. Although there are other methods to get back links such as making reciprocal links among other websites or writing comments on other peoples post, submitting your url to directories is the most effective thing to do. That's because web directories purpose is to give back links to others. The system of web directory works like this - Besides making back links for its own and providing good content, web directory get its rating or page rank from some reciprocal links that submitters place back to the directory. The more submitters provide back links, the directory can get more rankings. More rankings to the directory means that the urls in the directory can get more ranking to. It is like a system that kind of helps each other’s. Some directory may also charge for inclusion prior to maintenance to the site, domain name and hosting fees etc. The owner chargers as he or she pays others to provide good services beside a way of creating income.

The next purpose for directory submission is for sharing traffic. Some keywords are too famous and hard to compete in search engines making new web developers hard to get visitors or traffic the cheap method. When your url is listed in a high rank directory, the directory page may be shown in search engine results containing your url. That's one way for visitors to find your site even when your site or blog lies way back in search engine results. By this, the directory gets traffic from your content that you have listed in it and the visitors may also visit your site from the url listed in the directory.

Some high ranking or quality directories are also pecky about listing a site. Your site content must achieve their standards in order to be listed. This shows that directory also plays part in ranking sites. If your url is listed in this type of directory, this will mean that your site is good. Besides having good rankings, visitors will automatically trust your site as if your site is 'Listed As Best' or 'Proven Good Content''. The listing gives your url good impression for visitors as well as search engines. Example of such directory is Dmoz open directory and Yahoo Directory. Having your site in one of this will immediately boost your rankings.

Some peoples that uses the Internet like to search for interesting sites or blogs by looking in directories. Listed urls can also get traffic from this method. Most people that do this are webmasters themselves. While adding their site to directories, they may accidentally bump into your link, maybe the two of you will get together after or at least, someone found your link. Webmasters are Internet users too you know, and they’re the most loyal to the Internet.

Upon reading this, I hope it's clear now for you regarding the importance of web directory. So if you haven't submitted your url or site to directories, start doing it, unless you are looking forward paid advertisements. If that is so, I suggest you use Google Adwords, which I consider the best in getting visitors.

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