Personal Assistant in Allahabad High Court
Advertisement No.01/P.A./2008
Last Date: 15/12/2008 [Last date extended upto 31/12/2008]
Applications are invited for the post of ‘PERSONAL ASSISTANTS’ on the Establishment of High Court, Allahabad, in the pay scale of Rs. 6500-200-10500 plus usual allowances against 28 vacancies
- Personal Assistants : 28 posts, Qualifications: (i) Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent (ii) Good knowledge of English Shorthand with minimum speed of 100 words per minute and 40 words per minute in English Typewriting (iii) Computer knowledge i.e., Data Entry, Word Processing and Computer Operation. (iv)Preference shall be given to the candidates possessing good knowledge of Hindi Shorthand with minimum speed of 80 words per minute and 30 words per minute in Hindi Typewriting. , Age : 21-35 years as on 01/07/08.
Fee : Rs. 300/- for General Category and Rs. 150/- for SC/ST/OBC/ PH in the shape of Bank Draft/Banker’s Cheque issued by Nationalized Bank payable in favour of “Registrar General, High Court, Allahabad”.
How to Apply : Application on plain and thick foolscap paper duly typed in prescribed format alongwith attested photo copy of certificates alongwith a self addressed envelope bearing postage stamps worth Rs. 22/- should be sent to The Registrar General, High Court, Allahabad by Speed Post or Registered post with A.D. only on or before 31/12/2008.
For more information and Application Form, kindly visit
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