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Faculty Recruitment in NIT Agartala

NIT Agartala

National Institute of Technology (NIT)
Agartala-799055 (Tripura)

Recruitment of Faculty

National Institute of Technology (NIT), Agartala, an Institute of National importance, invites applications from Indian Nationals who are exceptionally bright, brilliant and motivated with a established record on Research & Development and committed to teaching/research for faculty position at the level of Professor, Assistant Professor and Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Humanities and Social Sciences, Civil, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mechanical, Production and Transportation Engineering.

Pay Scales :

  1. Lecturer : Rs. 8000-13500/-
  2. Assistant Professor : Rs. 12000-18300/-
  3. Professor : Rs. 16400-22400/-

Application Fee : Rs. 300/-(Rs.150/- for SC/ST candidates) in the form of Crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of “The Registrar, National Institute of Technology Agartala” payable at the State Bank of India, NIT Agartala Branch, Agartala – 799 055(code-11491) or any nationalized bank payable at Agartala. The candidates are to send separate application and separate Demand Draft for each post, in case any candidate wishes to apply for more than one post.

How to Apply : The application in prescribed format should be sent by Registered Post super scribed and addressed as follows:

“APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF (Name of the post to be specified)”

The Director
National Institute of Technology Agartala,
P.O. T.E.C., Agartala – 799 055 (West Tripura)

Applications must reach the Registrar, on or before 31/12/2008.

Please visit for details and application format.

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