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Vacancy of Law Trainee in HUDA


HUDA Required Law Trainees

Applications are invited from young Law Trainees who are desirous to undertake the drafting of replies or written statements, monitoring of legal cases in various courts, offering of legal advice etc. in HUDA cases. In all, four trainees are required for the Head Office and two for Gurgaon office. The assignment carries a lot of exposure for the young trainees. They will have to work as per working hours of HUDA and may have to devote extra time in view of large number of Court Cases. The applicants should be Law Graduates with first division and should be able to work on computers. They shall be paid of Rs.15000/- as monthly honorarium in lump-sum. Their assignment shall be purely temporary in nature which can be revoked or terminated unilaterally without assigning any reason. Applications with complete bio-data and one photograph should reach the office of the Chief Administrator, HUDA, Panchkula before 15th September, 2008.

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